
How to avoid auto shop owner burnout without compromising your business

September 26, 2024
Shop Tips & Best Practices
4 min read

This is a guest post by our customer, Maryann Croce. Not only does Maryann own an auto shop with her husband, she is business coach and speaker who helps auto repair shop owners build profitable, sustainable, and enjoyable businesses. As an auto shop owner since 1999, with years of experience in the industry, Maryann focuses on empowering owners to streamline their operations, avoid burnout, and achieve a fulfilling work and life. She shares practical strategies and tactics that enable shop owners to run their businesses more effectively and with confidence. Learn more about Maryanne and her shop coaching services at

Running an automotive shop can be rewarding, but it can also take a serious toll on your energy and mental well-being. Many shop owners fall into the trap of trying to do it all — working long hours, overseeing every detail, and being the go-to person for every problem. But pushing yourself to the brink isn’t sustainable, and burnout can sneak up faster than you think.

How to avoid burnout while keeping your business running smoothly

1. Delegate wisely

You don’t have to wear all the hats. Trust your team to handle responsibilities that don’t need your constant oversight. Start by delegating tasks you’re either not as skilled at, are too time-consuming, or take you away from growing your business. Whether it’s bookkeeping, managing parts orders, or handling routine customer interactions — training your staff to handle these jobs not only eases your load but also helps them grow and become more invested in the business.

2. Set boundaries

Establishing clear work-life boundaries is essential. Determine what your ideal work hours look like and stick to them. Resist the temptation to work late into the night or take calls during family time. Remember, your mental health and personal life matter as much as the success of your shop.

3. Automate where you can

Leverage technology to streamline repetitive tasks. From scheduling appointments to managing inventory, there are plenty of tools available to help simplify your day-to-day operations. Automation frees up time and mental space so you can focus on strategic decisions that grow your business rather than getting stuck in the weeds.

4. Take breaks

It’s easy to feel like you can’t step away when you’re the owner, but taking regular breaks is essential to avoiding burnout. Whether it’s a short walk during the day, a weekend getaway, or even just a lunch break — go somewhere away from the shop and take a break. These moments of unwinding or rest can recharge your energy and clear your mind. 

5. Focus on your role as owner, not technician

A key factor in avoiding burnout is shifting your mindset. As the owner, your role should be more strategic and less hands-on. Focus on growing the business, building relationships, and creating systems that allow the shop to run without you being involved in every task. When you concentrate on the bigger picture, your business becomes more sustainable, and you avoid running yourself into the ground.

6. Connect with other owners

Running an auto shop can feel isolating, but you’re not alone. Connecting with other shop owners and a mentor can provide valuable support and fresh ideas on how to manage common challenges. Whether it’s through industry groups, online communities, or local networking events, these connections can make a significant difference in how you approach your business and balance your life.

By implementing these strategies, you can avoid burnout and keep your shop running smoothly without sacrificing your well-being. When you take care of yourself, you’re in a better position to take care of your business.

Register for our upcoming webinar, where Maryann will dive deeper into these topics.

Register For The Webinar

FREE WEBINAR: How to Avoid Burnout as an Auto Shop Owner (without Compromising Your Business)
Tuesday, October 22nd at 2:00PM EST