Tires video hold screen
Tire Comparison Demo
PartsTech customers using this comparison tool are seeing approximately a 20% increase in their tire revenue.
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Tires video hold screen
How To Find and Connect Tire Suppliers
Search, quote, and order tires from more than 50 major suppliers. Get more tire selection options and spend less time searching for the right tires.
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Full Vehicle Diagrams
Quickly identify the right parts by clicking over their specific visuals in an interactive diagram. Navigate through complete diagrams to confidently find and select all the parts needed for a repair order.
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Customer Testimonial: Motoro Cars
Felix Diaz, Founder & CEO of Motoro Cars, is all about how he can drive more and more efficiency in his shops. His multi-location operation has over 30 bays and 17-18 technicians working daily.
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Customer Testimonial: Lynwood Tire and Auto
Kevin Krygsheld, third-generation owner of Lynwood Tire & Auto Service, and Service Advisor Brian Wilcox share how PartsTech has transformed their shop's efficiency.
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Finding The Parts You Need Across All Your Suppliers
Find the parts you need quickly with real-time pricing and availability from all your suppliers in one search.
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Customer Testimonial: Gomez Auto Repair
Before using PartsTech, Gomez Auto Repair spent 20-30 minutes writing an estimate. With their customers always seeming short on time, this was not ideal — time is of the essence.
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Parts & Tire Ordering For Auto Repair Shops
Search all your parts and tire suppliers in one place with PartsTech. Save your auto shop an average of 15 minutes per repair order by putting your suppliers into one lookup.
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FREE WEBINAR: How to create a profit-driven team in your auto shop

August 1st at 12:30PM EST | 9:30AM PST