Search Made Easy with PartsTech

May 20, 2020
3 min read

Order with confidence.

There are over 300 million cars and trucks on the road today. When it comes to servicing those vehicles there’s only one thing that matters, getting parts that fit, fast. As a shop manager or tech, you have to be able to get those specs quickly to be able to order the right part for the job Automakers haven’t made this easy for us. You know the drill… the part for the LE could be completely different than the same part for the XLE. Different price, different availability. You need to be sure you’re getting the right parts for that vehicle and you can’t afford to wait. How do you get those specs immediately without calling the customer or digging around in the glove box for the registration or owner’s manual?

A Search Built for Speed…

PartsTech has created the next generation auto parts search engine that makes it easy and fast to get all the specs on the car or truck you are working on. We listened to many shop owners and managers…they told us that being able to search by plate and VIN helps them cover all their bases when sourcing parts. Plate search will bring up the VIN and all the details on trim level available through our partnership with state DMV databases. It doesn’t get much easier or faster than having your tech enter the plate and be able to search for parts immediately. Even the keyword search is intuitive and immediately begins giving suggestions as you type similar to today’s most popular search engines. No more complicated drop-down lists to slow you down. No more endless clicking to get to the part you need.

Faster, More Accurate Quotes

One of your repeat customers calls in looking for a quote to replace the CV axle. She tells you it’s a 2007 Toyota RAV4 but can’t remember what her trim level is or whether it’s a FWD or AWD. Without this information, you can’t look up the exact part she needs. No worries, though…you simply ask her for her plate number (easy enough for her to look outside and tell you) and enter it into the PartsTech search engine. The specs come up instantly and you can enter the keywords ‘CV axle’. You can now see pricing, availability, and after adding your estimated labor charge, your customer has the immediate quote they need now and you keep her as a loyal (and happy) customer.

PartsTech also protects against potential misinformation or confusion when quoting by having several ways (plate, VIN and keyword) to verify trim levels for an accurate quote, every time. We know too much time can be wasted when the wrong part has to be returned because it was for RAV4 LE rather than the Limited. Big difference. Everything at a glance…

The advanced search capabilities through plate/VIN & keyword also give you the added benefit of seeing other important information on the main search screen as well. In the case of the CV axle, you would immediately see choices for right/left/front/rear, warranty information, quantities for new or re-manufactured units, core charges, and the suppliers that have them in stock.  A lot of information, crazy fast.

Let Us Do the Work for You

As a PartsTech user, you should be using our advanced search features by plate, VIN, or keyword for every job you do. We built our database with ease and efficiency in mind for you. A small difference in trim level can cause a big delay in finishing the job. Don’t fly blind when it comes to ordering parts…put us to work today!

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