How To Boost Your Shop’s Tire Revenue By 20%

October 31, 2023
Product Updates
4 min read

Tire shopping is an activity that many consumers find to be overwhelming. With so many factors to consider — size, speed rating, weather performance, safety rating, price, brand, etc. — it’s understandable why it can be a lot for a customer to try to digest. 

As an auto shop, you can step in, ease their overwhelmed feeling, and help them quickly understand their options and make an informed decision.

When looking for tires, your customers often want to consider multiple tire options so they can compare and contrast to reach a confident decision. Whether it comes down to price, brand, safety, performance, etc., you can help ease and simplify the tire purchasing process for your customers by making it convenient for them to see their options using PartsTech Tire Comparision.

Make Tire Shopping Convenient For Your Customers and Gain Their Trust

Fact: Auto shops using PartsTech Tire Comparison see approximately a 20% increase in tire revenue. 

Why is that? 

Automotive Training Institute coach Koole Bolina says it’s essential for auto shops to “recognize that customers these days are paying for two items — convenience and trust.”1 

Make tire shopping convenient with Tire Comparison

It’s difficult for customers to understand their tire options over the phone. With Tire Comparision, you can quickly text or email a mobile-friendly comparison quote directly to a customer. They can view and digest the details of their choices right from their device and make a selection from wherever they happen to be. If the customer is physically in the shop, you can print out the comparison quote so the customer can see their options while you talk to them.  

By providing customers with a straightforward way to see good, better, best options (regardless of whether they are in the shop or not), you’re making their tire shopping process easier and providing them with a convenient experience.

Gain customer trust with Tire Comparison

Giving customers a side-by-side tire comparison quote lets them quickly see the essential details for all their tire options. Not only does this level of detail help them to digest their options and make an informed selection, but it leaves them feeling like you empowered them in their decision-making. This builds trust and will go a long way in helping customers choose your shop for tire purchases and installation.

Reduce Time Spent To Provide Accurate Tire Quotes

Pulling tire quotes may feel like a time sink for your employees — especially if you know the customer is price shopping and your efforts may not end in a sale. 

But building an in-depth tire comparison quote with PartsTech Tire Comparision is simple and quick. With the ability to search for tires by size or vehicle make and model, you can quickly create comparison quotes that include performance and speed ratings, trim level, tread images, rebate info, and more. 

You don’t have to feel like you are wasting employee time with tire quotes. Instead, you can feel confident that you’re providing customers with the ability to review the best tire comparison packages that include accurate information across preferred brands and beyond. Putting your best foot forward gives you a higher chance of getting the customer to select tires through your shop. 

See the tire comparison tool in action in this video. 

Start providing better tire quoting experiences for all parties today.

If you’re a current PartsTech customer, upgrade to PartsTech Plus to start using Tire Comparison.

If you’re new to PartsTech, get started by signing up for a PartsTech free account (click here). If you want to leverage features like Tire Comparison and more, upgrade your account to PartsTech Plus.

Need help? Contact us at 1-866-308-5193 or email [email protected].



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