Transform your aftermarket parts ordering

Source your preferred aftermarket parts for every RO from as many suppliers as you like

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Save an average of 15 minutes per repair order
See how PartsTech makes it easy

Access unlimited auto parts suppliers – completely free

PartsTech works with more than 30,000 automotive part supplier locations, and you can connect an unlimited number of suppliers to your PartsTech account. This allows you to search available inventory across all of your preferred suppliers at the same time. Say goodbye to searching multiple websites and spending hours on the phone — find the parts you need in one screen.

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Order from multiple aftermarket suppliers in one click

Take parts search and ordering to the next level by tapping into the power of a single lookup that contains more than 15 million parts and 5,000 brands. Quickly find the right parts for the vehicle you are servicing, and if you need to order parts from more than one supplier, you can order them all in one click from your cart.

Search the most up-to-date parts catalog in the automotive industry

We know that accurate parts information is critical to your business. Our in-house data team is 100% dedicated to working directly with manufacturers to ensure the quality of our parts catalog and to push data updates live within 24 hours. When you search for parts in PartsTech, you will see real-time availability and the most up-to-date description and price for every part.

Works with your management system

Build a repair order and add parts while staying connected to your management system. Not only does PartsTech work as a standalone, but we’ve partnered with more than 35 management systems so you can eliminate extra browser tabs. Access more suppliers and parts with our easy-to-use integration. Part specifications and order details pass back to your repair order seamlessly so you can complete repair orders faster.

Maximize your profits

Minutes saved per repair order by shortening the time it takes to procure parts ultimately equal hours saved per year. These hours can be reallocated in many ways to deploy more time and resources into other areas of your business to help you make more money and grow your revenue.

Order from more than 30,000 supplier locations
Tap into the power of a catalog with more than 15 million parts. Take your aftermarket parts searching and ordering to the next level
Repair shops love PartsTech
What our customers say
The ability to compare prices from the different part stores in one search, it just cuts out time and makes it a lot faster.
Maurice Rohrer
We have seen roughly about a 15% increase in both revenue along with 50% time saving per repair order.
Adam Schifman
I took my searches from 8-10 minutes for parts to 1 or 2 minutes.
William Folsom

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2025 AUTO REPAIR SHOP REPORT - Discover benchmark data, key trends, expert insights, and free resources to grow your shop in 2025